Fee of service

No Types of Services Fee
1 Giro Rupiah
a. Personal-account administration fee Rp20,000,-/Month
Business-Entity Administration Fee
a. Government Free
b. SOE Rp25,000,-/Month
c. Other Companies/ Institutions (out-of-bank) Rp25,000,-/Month
d. Cancellation of bilyet giro Rp25,000,-/Sheet
Cheque or Missing Bilyet Giro
a. Has been filled Rp25,000,- per Draft
b. Has not been filled Rp25,000,- per Statement
c. Penalty due to balance is below minimum balance Rp20,000,- per Statement
d. Passive account administration fee / dormant Rp2,000,- per Statement
Transfer fee
a. BIRTGS fee Rp25,000,-
- Biaya yang dibebankan oleh Bank Indonesia Rp6,000,- (06.30 WIB s.d 10.00 WIB)
Rp15,000,- (10.00 WIB s.d 14.00 WIB)
Rp21,000,- (14.00 WIB s.d cut off)
- Limit Transfer Rp100,000,001 - Tidak Terbatas
b. SKNBI fee Rp2,900,-
- Biaya yang dibebankan oleh Bank Indonesia Rp1,-
- Limit Transfer Rp1 - 1,000,000,000
Rp25,000 - 1,000,000,000
c. Debit Clearing Fee Rp5,000,-
- Biaya yang dibebankan oleh Bank Indonesia Rp1,500,-
- Limit Transfer Rp1 - 500,000,000
d. BI - Fast Rp2,500,-
- Biaya yang dibebankan oleh Bank Indonesia Rp19,-
- Limit Transfer Rp10,000 - 250,000,000
Rp25,000 - 250,000,000
Rp10,000 - 50,000,000 (Sesuai batas limit kartu ATM)
e. Tolakan Kliring Rp150,000,-
Closing Fee
a. By the Customer
- Individual Rp50,000,-
- Institution Rp100,000,-
b. By the Bank Rp25,000,-
c. Cost of requesting a checking account outside the monthly financial statements Rp3,000,-/Sheet
d. Cost of purchasing Cheque Book / Bilyet Giro Rp125,000,-/Books
2 siMantap-Gold Savings
a. Administration fee Rp6,500,-/Month
b. Closing account fee Rp25,000,-
c. Passive account fee / Dormant Rp2,000,-/Month
d. Full book replacement
- Branch manajer Free
- Other branches Free
- Other branches Rp5,000,-
e. Damaged book replacement Rp5,000,-
f. lost book replacemet Rp15,000,-
g. Different branch deposit (Out-of-Town Destination) Free
3 siMantap-Time Savings
a. Monthly administration Free
b. Account closing fee on maturity date Free
c. Withdrawal fee on the contract term Rp100,000,-
d. Account closing fee before maturity date – Administration + Penalty Rp105,000,-
e. Penalty fee is in arrears of 1 month of monthly mandatory deposit at maturity date Rp10,000,-
f. Penalty fee is in arrears of 2 months of monthly mandatory deposit at maturity time Rp20,000,-
g. Account closing fee if claim is rejected Free
h. Cost of requesting a checking account of (F/S) outside of the (F/S) submitted by the Bank on a quarterly basis Rp3,000,-/Sheet
4 My Savings
a. Administration fee Free
b. Closing account fee Rp20,000,-
c. Passive account fee / Dormant Rp2,000,-
d. Full book replacement
- Branch manajer Free
- Other branches Rp5,000,-
e. Damaged book replacement Rp5,000,-
f. Cash and non-cash withdrawal fees at other branches Rp15,000,-
g. Monthly administration fee of My-Savings card Rp5,000,-
5 Deposit
a. Issuarance of disbursement Free
b. Penalty of disbursement before maturity date 5% from the nominal
6 ATM Card Product
a. ATM-Plus Administration Rp2,500,-
b. Regular ATM Administration 5% Free nominal
c. My-Savings ATM Administration Rp2,500,-
d. ATM Prima Administration Rp15,000,-
e. Damaged card replacement (due to customer’s negligence)
- ATM Plus and Reguler Card bisnis.tarif_penggantian_kartu_atm_plus_dan_reguler
- ATM Reguler (Nasabah Pensiunan) Card bisnis.tarif_penggantian_kartu_atm_regular_only
- ATM Tabunganku Card bisnis.tarif_penggantian_kartu_atm_tabunganku
- ATM Prima Card bisnis.tarif_penggantian_kartu_atm_prima
f. Missing card replacement Free
e. Reissue ATM PIN request
- PIN Mailer Nasabah Pensiunan Bebas
- PIN Mailer Nasabah Non - Pensiunan Rp5,000,-
h. Cost of balance information via Bank Mandiri ATM Free
i. Cost of balance information via Bersama & LINK ATM Rp4,000,-
j. Mini Statement (5 riwayat terakhir) hanya untuk ATM Mandiri Rp1,000,-
k. Cash withdrawal fee via Bank Mandiri ATM Bebas
l. Biaya penarikan tunai melalui ATM Bersama dan Link Rp7,500,-
m. Transfer via Bank Mandiri ATM – Bank Mandiri Taspen Account to Bank Mandiri Taspen Account Free
n. Transfer via Bank Mandiri ATM – Bank Mandiri Taspen Account to Mandiri Account Rp6,500,-
o. Maximum withdrawal and transfer atm (Plus, Reguler, and My-savings) Max. Withdrawal ATM Plus Rp10.000.00-,
Max. Withdrawal ATM Regular Rp5.000.00-,
Max. Withdrawal ATM Tabunganku Rp3.000.00-,
p. Maksimal Transfer melalui kartu (Plus, Reguler, dan Tabunganku) Maks. Penarikan ATM Plus Rp20.000.000,-
Maks. Penarikan ATM Reguler Rp10.000.000,-
Maks. Penarikan ATM Tabunganku Rp5.000.000,-
q. Decline Fee (Saldo tidak cukup)
- Mandiri Bebas
- ATM Bersama (cek saldo, transfer dan tarik tunai) Rp3.000,-
- Link Bebas